Streetsville LTC Community
“Mr. Murphy’s firm has been providing [the client] with Architectural services on many long term care development projects over the past several years. His firm has provided us with top quality design ideas, thorough construction documentation and responsive project administrative services. ”
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Mississauga, ON
256 LTC beds, new construction
Streetsville is an aging long term care home in Mississauga, Ontario, that no longer meets the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care’s requirements. The client approached Murphy Partners to explore their options to redevelop the property and building.
The 3.9 acre site is located in a low-rise, single family neighbourhood adjacent to an environmentally protected forested area. Murphy Partners studied several design options with and without the retention of the existing building.
The study considered the adjacent protected environmental feature cutting into the site, the cost/benefit of retaining the existing building through phased construction, operational efficiency, and parking needs.
The option chosen by the client called for the demolition of the existing building and construction of a brand new 4-storey building to provide a total of 256 fully compliant, post-Covid long term care beds.
The proposed design features two 32-bed RHAs with private and basic bedrooms organized around two courtyards. Visitors are welcomed in an open and inviting lobby, leading to a double-height sky-lit circle cafe, country kitchen, and chapel, which open to a patio and garden space in front of the building.
A roof terrace on the 3rd floor provides secured outdoor space for all residents in addition to balconies provided in every RHA. The two courtyards and the front garden are landscaped to provide a variety of uses for residents in safe, age-appropriate environments.
The proposal aims at a homelike accommodation and living experience for residents and a cozy working environment for the staff.